The simplicity of this flash is just fantastic it gets it's point across without being all complex and intricate. 10/10 5/5
The simplicity of this flash is just fantastic it gets it's point across without being all complex and intricate. 10/10 5/5
thank you very much:) im glad you think i succeded doing these things. that was really what i was hoping for when i made it:)
Overly Vieny neck O_o
I can't count how many times i've had this happen to me luckily i fasy travel and wait so much that my auto-saves usually save me but there have been times when they have not. T_T
love it loved everything about it 10/10 5/5
currently on a Skyrim binge
as my summary says i've been on a Skyrim binge since it came out (i've already logged over 77 hours on it) but i've finally started taking a break from it to "socialize" i saw this and expected Skyrim to be bashed but was pleasantly surprised great flash 5/5 10/10
the true moral behind this in my opinion
God is NOT the answer ro everything
Necrons AND Tyranids!?!? it's the war to end all wars o____o (btw great flash made me laugh :D)
I would have preffered seeing the Space Marines fighting the Chaos (Chaos is my favorite :D) but the Eldar are just as good this flash was very well done nonetheless
Love it!
Really really adorable at some parts thought the fat guy was a jackass glad he got owned
Great Flash
loved the Hellsing animation it looked almost exactly the same as the actual anime
don't be fooled by my aura i am a just and fair voter i just like the option of being evil
What is this "School?"
Panama City, FL
Joined on 5/29/10